Why do I feel like Dan Wieden and crew have a not-so-secret deal with the White House to promote American values in this time of trouble? Probably because it shows in the agency’s reel.
Clearly, bailing out Wall Street and Detroit’s automakers was a political act; therefore, reshaping those brands is an also a political act, to some degree.
Here’s the original ad from Hal Riney that this new Clint Eastwood for Chrysler spot emulates:
And here are two other recent pro-America messages, brought to you by a big American brand and Wieden + Kennedy:
Understand, America and American brands need an awesome cheerleader, and I’m glad that W+K is doing this kind of work, because it’s not a job for hacks.
It should be noted that W+K also brings its pro-America, pro-poetry lens to the state of Oregon. Have a look:
Previously on AdPulp: Despite Massive Under-Employment, “We Are All Workers” | When It Comes To Muscle Cars, U.S.A. Doesn’t Tie
Once upon a time, there would be commentary happening in this space, but it seems Facebook is the place for that kind of activity now. So be it.
On Jim Schmidt’s Facebook page, there’s a robust discussion about the Chrysler spot.
Schmidt, of Downtown Partners in Chicago, believes Northwestern’s MBAs who weighed in Sunday’s spots (and didn’t love the Chrysler spot) “need to feel more and think less.”
Barbara Lippert, formely of Adweek, presently of Goody, writes: “Chrysler should have been a
.60. It got overindulgent and preachy.”