Creativity editor, Teressa Iezzi, finishes her book, The Idea Writers, with commentary from Lee Clow and Jeff Goodby.
Goodby’s the writer of the two, but Clow is Clow.
On the topic of brand planning, for instance, Clow shows how he’s Clow:
We have got to reinvent the intellect of our business. The intellect of our business used to be planning—which Jay Chiat brought here from England—but it’s now totally defunct. It doesn’t do anything that needs to be done in this day and age. We have to be the experts in the room in how people hear messages, consume messages, think about brands and react to brands. That’s the biggest thing that’s missing right now because clients don’t know what they’re talking about. They know they want something else, they know there’s some kind of new media landscape they’re supposed to operate in, but they don’t know what that means. They don’t know what they’re supposed to do.
Only Lee Clow and Dan Wieden can say “clients don’t know what they’re talking about” and get away with it. But what’s puzzling to me, is why there’s any confusion. Smart client-side pros simply need to spend a few minutes each day here on AdPulp and they’ll be prepared to Bing and decide.
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