Portland is a city of makers. From things made from steel like barges and streetcars, to things made by hand like beer and food, Portlanders take pride in their creations. So, maybe it should come as no surprise that one of Wieden+Kennedy’s brightest minds and hardest workers is opening up a “Garage” where things will be made.
John Jay told Creativity, “I am not pursuing this because the agency is not creative and stuck in the past. It’s quite the opposite.”
Jay also introduced the idea at an all-agency meeting yesterday. According to the WK blog:
Jay described W+K Garage as focusing on “expanding the definition of what a modern agency can do, and should do.”
He said it will be “a strategic and entrepreneurial shop that will concept, create and invest in innovative products, experiences, content and technology that will help to redefine the idea of what a modern, global brand is.”
He added: “Simply, I want to make things. Not to make meetings, but make in new ways. Make new products, digital and analogue. I want to make new businesses. I want to make new experiences–interactive or physical, in business and in culture.”
The word “innovation” may not have been spoken, but clearly the call to innovate is ringing in agency leaders’ ears. And it appears that Jay sees the need here and he’s clearly in a position to pursue it.
W+K continues makes the best TV advertising in the business, but the business is so much bigger than TV today. To me, it feels as is Jay is pursuing the larger opportunities with his Garage concept. To be active in the brand experience game an agency has to think beyond TV, and it is interesting to me that the agency with the best reel is eager to do so.
Previously on AdPulp: Just Do It The John Jay Way