Hey man, don’t let your routine get you down.
Sure the pressures of work threaten to destroy your good mood and there’s not enough money to send the kids to college, plus your football team is an embarrassment. But seriously none of that matters when you drive a new Jeep Cherokee into the mountains where you can toast your rediscovered freedom around the campfire with big swig of Wild Turkey.
Are Vitro (Wild Turkey’s agency) and Wieden+Kennedy (Jeep’s agency) in cahoots here? Of course not. This is simply more of the “same think” that I spoke of following W+K’s loss of Levi’s.
Interestingly, there’s nothing in the Jeep spot that appeals to truck guys—not one fact about the truck itself. At least the Wild Turkey spot has the necessary appetite appeal.
Has W+K taken their brand-advertising-is-the-only-good-advertising motif too far?
Customers will be the judge. Here’s one unhappy response to the Jeep spot on YouTube:
JEEP I HOPE YOU READ THIS MESSAGE. THIS COMES FROM A DIE HARD FAN OF BOTH YOUR WRANGLER AND MOST ESPECIALLY THE CHEROKEE LINE. I AM AN OWNER OF THREE JEEP CHEROKEES — a ’97, ’99 AND ’00. With that being said I believe I have a voice here, since I spend my hard earn money on your trucks. Please bring back the old XJ style and beef up the axles, tranny and maybe a body on frame. Why not build upon the culture and legend of the Cherokee rather than to destroy it in order to go after soccer moms and hipsters?
I can hear the Masters of the Pearl now…”Who cares what some guy on YouTube or some ad blogger has to say about our work? How dare these commoners not recognize the sheer brilliance of our patented approach.”
Yes, how dare we.