According to Brandweek, Citgo, a subsidiary of Venezuela’s government-owned oil company, is developing ads that seek to convey its American allegiance, and its “American community” of more than 100,000 workers,
Citgo is preparing a new, multiplatform campaign breaking this month that will aim “to set the record straight” as the company reels from calls for boycotts in the wake of vociferous anti-American comments from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
“Our marketers and retailers will receive a communications campaign explaining how Citgo is working hard to set the record straight and inform the public of the real facts about the Citgo brand,” Jennifer Moos, Citgo’s general manager of brand development said.
In a press release, Citgo called the boycott cries, “counter to the principles of a free-market economy, so cherished by all Americans” and “being pushed in search of political or economic gain.”
Here’s my advise: don’t buy oil from firms that drill for it in the Middle East. Venezuela is not in the Middle East; ergo, their petrol is okay. If you truly have a problem with Chavez, then pull into a Conoco, Sunoco, Sinclair, Hess, Arco or BP station—none of these firms import oil from the Middle East. On the other hand, Shell, Chevron/Texaco, Exxon/Mobil, Marathon and Amoco do.
daveednyc says
What on earth does Citgo — state-owned enterprise — know about a free-market economy? A boycott is exactly in line with the principles of the free market. It’s called voting with your dollars.
Fefo says
FYI: Bp, Amoco and Arco are the same company…
Mick Gregory says
Why not check out how many Citgo branded stations there are now, one year later?
Your article states 13,000. Guess what it is today?
The boycott is a success. Americans can vote with their dollars.
The peanut gallery says
Unless your oil comes from Alaska, Norway, or Canada, chances are your purchase props up radical islam, african human rights violations, or the somewhat shady russian government oil barons.
Chavez might be more vocal about it but he’s not the only nasty dude getting rich off of oil.
The peanut gallery says
Not to mention the war profiteers getting rich off of petrodollars in our own country.