If you could act on a promotional offer midstream while surfing Twitter, would you?
According to Online Media Daily, Twitter is testing a new lead generation tool.
Advertisers can offer Twitter users deals and discounts in the ad unit or via an in-stream landing page. Those who wish to claim the offer simply click the button and the discount is automagically delivered to your digital doorstep.
Need a hotel deal? Sign up now and priceline will email you a 10% Off Express Deals Coupon Code! cards.twitter.com/cards/c9frv/1h
— Priceline.com (@priceline) May 21, 2013
Successful tests of the new Twitter tool were run by New Relic (@newrelic), Full Sail (@fullsail), Priceline (@priceline), and Barista Bar (@baristabar).
In the old days, a brand would have wanted to drive traffic to its home base web site. I’m pleased to see there’s little need for that now. Who wants to click around and give up their data on one more web site? By playing the game on the platform itself, you honor the user in their – and I hate to say it, but – in their “native” environment.
The Next Web reports that it’s not clear at this point whether Twitter’s new Lead Generation Cards are restricted to just Promoted Tweets, or if businesses can apply the new format to all of their tweets containing a suitable offer.