Wendy Clark is a former agency-side exec who is now a big, big client. Ergo, she a person to listen to and learn from.
Here she is at ad:tech in New York last month:
At 39 minutes in to her speech, Clark gives up the mic to Renny Gleeson of Wieden + Kennedy, who speaks about innovation and how Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) has a role in helping brands learn iterative process and how to fail fast.
At 50 minutes in Clark says mobile is the most important medium for Coca-Cola, going forward. Combine that with her call for “more good content” from brands, and you can see the task is reaching consumers at “the point of thirst” with relevant, on the spot offers and shareable stories.
iMediaConnection was there at ad:tech to chat with Clark and Gleeson after the keynote.
Previously on AdPulp: Is Your Content Strategy Liquid And Linked?